Capability is the essential quality of life that enables potentiality to be transformed Into actuality. Capability is a combination of a muscle and a skill which can be developed with Dependable practice. The amount of capability we have determines how effectively we can either appreciate what we have, or shape more of what we want.

Capability is the compound outcome made up of the mastery of The 6 capabilities.

Capability is one of The 3 potentials of life.

<aside> 🚧 Everything under here is under construction


/Capability is earned and owned/ - Olson

The ACM is a model based in [[The Systematics of Self Authorship]]. It has 3 levels.

Level 1

  1. imtuition of need (capability starts with includes a sensing of what is important)
  2. active awareness of the environment These 2 terms define the need for capability. The space between them is called the "meaning gap"
  3. a hypothesis of how to reconcile the Meaning gap
  4. the ability to act on the hypothesis

Level 2