Projected authority is a state where we have unconsciously given away our authority to someone else. In particular this includes the authority to define and assert anything about the world or ourselves. In general term this includes defining values, beliefs or even our own worthiness or potential.

We live in a world where authority in general is assumed to be external to us. We've grown up in this world where this idea is implicit throughout society and in the dynamics of most of our relationships. So it's only natural that most of us project some or most of our authority onto others. Where this is evident at a psychological level is our projection of authority around our "okness"; our sense of value. Implicit in most relationships is an unconscious contract where another person's disapproval of us can affect our sense of wellbeing; they hold to authority to define us.

Projected Authority is anywhere where external influence (from outside the “moment-self”) affects;

1. Our choice

Dabrowski’s third factor is self-authored choice

2. Our perception

3. Our assessment of What is important

4. Our actions

5. Our beliefs about ourself (our identity)

I think that language is also an implicit kind of other-authored artefact.