The distinction between mechanicality (“autopilot”) and wakefulness (previously called “Red-pilling”) is the foundation of Self Authorship. Without “waking up” we are just automatons (sleepwalkers, zombies, machines). The first skill or capability of Self Authorship is The Reawakener: Reawakening.

We spend our lives on a type of autopilot where we not fully present and engaged with important parts of our life. Like the possibility of finding more to appreciate about your life as it is, or feeling more engaged with the journey of making your life an even richer one. Our lives sometimes are more something that is happening to us rather than a journey that we are actively navigating. This is captured in 'Happening to you' or 'Happening through you'.

George Gurdjieff taught that most humans their lives in a state of hypnotic “waking sleep”. This is the consciousness associated with living out of Habituality. He asserted that people in their typical state function as unconscious automatons , but that a person can “wake up” and become a different sort of human being altogether.

As we develop mastery in this we also build our pride in ourselves. The pride that comes from actively developing the capability to build a better life. Everyone deserves that, and everyone is capable of it.

And building that Capability is done just the same as building fitness or strength or skilfulness in your physical capability; it's just the right kind of regular Practice.

MPa orientation