
Heidegger calls the specific human mode of being “Dasein.” The term points out that human beings are both there (Da) and present (sein). Maybe Heidegger’s most decisive step, however, is to state that the Dasein is the same as Being-in-the-World, which means that self and world are tied together in a single structure. No subject–object dichotomy exists. This means that the world is a part of Dasein’s way of being. I would go a step further beyond his integrated dyad to say that Self, MPo & MVa are a single structure

Always Already

/Agents can represent and know the world only because they already have in place an implicit understanding of the world, which is embedded in their coping practices. Subjects, for the most part, do not stand over against the world by representing it; rather they always already act within a meaningful world that they already in some sense understand./ From On Heidegger’s Being and Time


For Heidegger, there are two dominant modes of being human: authenticity and inauthenticity. Furthermore, we have a choice to make between these two modes: the choice is whether to be oneself or not to be oneself, to be author of oneself and self-authorising or not.